Kaiwu: A Multimodal Manipulation Dataset and Framework for Robot Learning and Human-Robot Interaction


このペーパーでは、Kaiwu Multimodal Datasetを紹介して、特にダイナミクス情報とその細粒ラベリングを使用して、洗練された組み立てシナリオで、欠落している実世界の同期されたマルチモーダルデータの問題に対処します。
Kaiwu Datasetは、ロボット学習、器用な操作、人間の意図調査、人間のロボットコラボレーション研究を促進することを目指しています。


Cutting-edge robot learning techniques including foundation models and imitation learning from humans all pose huge demands on large-scale and high-quality datasets which constitute one of the bottleneck in the general intelligent robot fields. This paper presents the Kaiwu multimodal dataset to address the missing real-world synchronized multimodal data problems in the sophisticated assembling scenario,especially with dynamics information and its fine-grained labelling. The dataset first provides an integration of human,environment and robot data collection framework with 20 subjects and 30 interaction objects resulting in totally 11,664 instances of integrated actions. For each of the demonstration,hand motions,operation pressures,sounds of the assembling process,multi-view videos, high-precision motion capture information,eye gaze with first-person videos,electromyography signals are all recorded. Fine-grained multi-level annotation based on absolute timestamp,and semantic segmentation labelling are performed. Kaiwu dataset aims to facilitate robot learning,dexterous manipulation,human intention investigation and human-robot collaboration research.


著者 Shuo Jiang,Haonan Li,Ruochen Ren,Yanmin Zhou,Zhipeng Wang,Bin He
発行日 2025-03-07 08:28:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク