The Society of HiveMind: Multi-Agent Optimization of Foundation Model Swarms to Unlock the Potential of Collective Intelligence


私たちは、複数のAI基礎モデル間の相互作用を調整し、現代の進化理論に従うことによって自然界で観察された動物の群れの行動を模倣するフレームワーク – 「Hivemindの社会」(SOHM) – を開発します。


Multi-agent systems address issues of accessibility and scalability of artificial intelligence (AI) foundation models, which are often represented by large language models. We develop a framework – the ‘Society of HiveMind’ (SOHM) – that orchestrates the interaction between multiple AI foundation models, imitating the observed behavior of animal swarms in nature by following modern evolutionary theories. On the one hand, we find that the SOHM provides a negligible benefit on tasks that mainly require real-world knowledge. On the other hand, we remark a significant improvement on tasks that require intensive logical reasoning, indicating that multi-agent systems are capable of increasing the reasoning capabilities of the collective compared to the individual agents. Our findings demonstrate the potential of combining a multitude of diverse AI foundation models to form an artificial swarm intelligence capable of self-improvement through interactions with a given environment.


著者 Noah Mamie,Susie Xi Rao
発行日 2025-03-07 14:45:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.NE パーマリンク