Compact LED-Based Displacement Sensing for Robot Fingers


監視された学習モデルが生の信号から完全な力とトルクデータを予測する能力をテストし、指に適用される3方向の力の3方向に0.05から0.07 Nの間の平均誤差を取得することにより、センサーのスタンドアロン性能を特徴付けます。


In this paper, we introduce a sensor designed for integration in robot fingers, where it can provide information on the displacements induced by external contact. Our sensor uses LEDs to sense the displacement between two plates connected by a transparent elastomer; when a force is applied to the finger, the elastomer displaces and the LED signals change. We show that using LEDs as both light emitters an receivers in this context provides high sensitivity, allowing such an emitter and receiver pairs to detect very small displacements. We characterize the standalone performance of the sensor by testing the ability of a supervised learning model to predict complete force and torque data from its raw signals, and obtain a mean error between 0.05 and 0.07 N across the three directions of force applied to the finger. Our method allows for finger-size packaging with no amplification electronics, low cost manufacturing, easy integration into a complete hand, and high overload shear forces and bending torques, suggesting future applicability to complete manipulation tasks.


著者 Amr El-Azizi,Sharfin Islam,Pedro Piacenza,Kai Jiang,Ioannis Kymissis,Matei Ciocarlie
発行日 2025-03-06 18:21:14+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク