S4D-Bio Audio Monitoring of Bone Cement Disintegration in Pulsating Fluid Jet Surgery under Laboratory Conditions


State Space Model(SSM)S4D-Bioによって補完されたオーディオ信号監視は、流体ジェットパラメーターを動的に最適化するために採用され、スプラッシングによる視界閉塞などの課題に対処しました。
SSMを使用すると、予測侵食プロセスを正確に制御し、98.93 \%の精度を達成します。


This study investigates a pulsating fluid jet as a novel precise, minimally invasive and cold technique for bone cement removal. We utilize the pulsating fluid jet device to remove bone cement from samples designed to mimic clinical conditions. The effectiveness of long nozzles was tested to enable minimally invasive procedures. Audio signal monitoring, complemented by the State Space Model (SSM) S4D-Bio, was employed to optimize the fluid jet parameters dynamically, addressing challenges like visibility obstruction from splashing. Within our experiments, we generate a comprehensive dataset correlating various process parameters and their equivalent audio signals to material erosion. The use of SSMs yields precise control over the predictive erosion process, achieving 98.93 \% accuracy. The study demonstrates on the one hand, that the pulsating fluid jet device, coupled with advanced audio monitoring techniques, is a highly effective tool for precise bone cement removal. On the other hand, this study presents the first application of SSMs in biomedical surgery technology, marking a significant advancement in the application. This research significantly advances biomedical engineering by integrating machine learning combined with pulsating fluid jet as surgical technology, offering a novel, minimally invasive, cold and adaptive approach for bone cement removal in orthopedic applications.


著者 Melanie Schaller,Sergej Hloch,Akash Nag,Dagmar Klichova,Nick Janssen,Frank Pude,Michal Zelenak,Bodo Rosenhahn
発行日 2025-03-04 15:30:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク