Weak-to-Strong Generalization Even in Random Feature Networks, Provably


弱から強力な一般化(Burns et al。、2024)は、GPT-4によると、強力な生徒、たとえばGPT-2によると、GPT-2が弱い教師から課題を学び、教師を大幅に上回る現象です。


Weak-to-Strong Generalization (Burns et al., 2024) is the phenomenon whereby a strong student, say GPT-4, learns a task from a weak teacher, say GPT-2, and ends up significantly outperforming the teacher. We show that this phenomenon does not require a strong learner like GPT-4. We consider student and teacher that are random feature models, described by two-layer networks with a random and fixed bottom layer and a trained top layer. A ‘weak’ teacher, with a small number of units (i.e. random features), is trained on the population, and a ‘strong’ student, with a much larger number of units (i.e. random features), is trained only on labels generated by the weak teacher. We demonstrate, prove, and understand how the student can outperform the teacher, even though trained only on data labeled by the teacher. We also explain how such weak-to-strong generalization is enabled by early stopping. Importantly, we also show the quantitative limits of weak-to-strong generalization in this model.


著者 Marko Medvedev,Kaifeng Lyu,Dingli Yu,Sanjeev Arora,Zhiyuan Li,Nathan Srebro
発行日 2025-03-04 18:58:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク