A Semantic Approach to Negation Detection and Word Disambiguation with Natural Language Processing


この研究では、自然言語処理 (NLP) アプローチを採用して、WordHoard と呼ばれる NLP ライブラリによって提供される知識ベースを使用して、テキスト分類の精度を高めるために否定された単語を発見して反意語化します。
SentiWordNet アナライザーは 35%、Vader アナライザーは 20%、TextBlob は 6% 改善されました。


This study aims to demonstrate the methods for detecting negations in a sentence by uniquely evaluating the lexical structure of the text via word-sense disambiguation. The proposed framework examines all the unique features in the various expressions within a text to resolve the contextual usage of all tokens and decipher the effect of negation on sentiment analysis. The application of popular expression detectors skips this important step, thereby neglecting the root words caught in the web of negation and making text classification difficult for machine learning and sentiment analysis. This study adopts the Natural Language Processing (NLP) approach to discover and antonimize words that were negated for better accuracy in text classification using a knowledge base provided by an NLP library called WordHoard. Early results show that our initial analysis improved on traditional sentiment analysis, which sometimes neglects negations or assigns an inverse polarity score. The SentiWordNet analyzer was improved by 35%, the Vader analyzer by 20% and the TextBlob by 6%.


著者 Izunna Okpala,Guillermo Romera Rodriguez,Andrea Tapia,Shane Halse,Jess Kropczynski
発行日 2023-02-22 15:09:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR, I.2.7 パーマリンク