Shared Autonomy for Proximal Teaching


ユーザー調査(n = 50)では、カーラ自律運転シミュレーターを使用してサンダーヒルレースウェイパークのシミュレートされた環境で高性能レースを教えているため、Zコーチが各生徒が最初にどのスキルを練習するかを特定するのに役立ち、運転時間、行動、および滑らかさの全体的な改善につながることを示しています。
私たちの仕事は、ますます利用可能になっている半自律能力(たとえば、車両、ロボットなど)が人間のユーザーを支援するだけでなく、それらを *教える *を助けることができることを示しています。


Motor skill learning often requires experienced professionals who can provide personalized instruction. Unfortunately, the availability of high-quality training can be limited for specialized tasks, such as high performance racing. Several recent works have leveraged AI-assistance to improve instruction of tasks ranging from rehabilitation to surgical robot tele-operation. However, these works often make simplifying assumptions on the student learning process, and fail to model how a teacher’s assistance interacts with different individuals’ abilities when determining optimal teaching strategies. Inspired by the idea of scaffolding from educational psychology, we leverage shared autonomy, a framework for combining user inputs with robot autonomy, to aid with curriculum design. Our key insight is that the way a student’s behavior improves in the presence of assistance from an autonomous agent can highlight which sub-skills might be most “learnable” for the student, or within their Zone of Proximal Development. We use this to design Z-COACH, a method for using shared autonomy to provide personalized instruction targeting interpretable task sub-skills. In a user study (n=50), where we teach high performance racing in a simulated environment of the Thunderhill Raceway Park with the CARLA Autonomous Driving simulator, we show that Z-COACH helps identify which skills each student should first practice, leading to an overall improvement in driving time, behavior, and smoothness. Our work shows that increasingly available semi-autonomous capabilities (e.g. in vehicles, robots) can not only assist human users, but also help *teach* them.


著者 Megha Srivastava,Reihaneh Iranmanesh,Yuchen Cui,Deepak Gopinath,Emily Sumner,Andrew Silva,Laporsha Dees,Guy Rosman,Dorsa Sadigh
発行日 2025-02-27 09:14:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク