Debiased Mapping for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment


比較のために画像を深い特徴空間にマッピングすることは、最近の学習ベースの完全参照画像品質評価 (FR-IQA) モデルで広く採用されています。
特異値分解 (SVD) によって形成された学習機能。
品質のばらつきを特異値と射影基底で圧倒的に分離する深層学習機能ドメインの SVD は、専用に設計された距離測定による品質の推論を容易にします。
さまざまな IQA データベースでの実験は、マッピング方法が知覚バイアスを効率的に軽減できることを示しており、品質予測の優れたパフォーマンスは私たちの方法の有効性を検証しています。


Mapping images to deep feature space for comparisons has been wildly adopted in recent learning-based full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) models. Analogous to the classical classification task, the ideal mapping space for quality regression should possess both inter-class separability and intra-class compactness. The inter-class separability that focuses on the discrimination of images with different quality levels has been highly emphasized in existing models. However, the intra-class compactness that maintains small objective quality variance of images with the same or indistinguishable quality escapes the research attention, potentially leading to the perception-biased measures. In this paper, we reveal that such bias is mainly caused by the unsuitable subspace that the features are projected and compared in. To account for this, we develop the Debiased Mapping based quality Measure (DMM), which relies on the orthonormal bases of deep learning features formed by singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD in deep learning feature domain, which overwhelmingly separates the quality variations with singular values and projection bases, facilitates the quality inference with dedicatedly designed distance measure. Experiments on different IQA databases demonstrate the mapping method is able to mitigate the perception bias efficiently, and the superior performance on quality prediction verifies the effectiveness of our method. The implementation will be publicly available.


著者 Baoliang Chen,Hanwei Zhu,liingyu Zhu,Shiqi Wang
発行日 2023-02-22 15:57:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク