ARENA: Adaptive Risk-aware and Energy-efficient NAvigation for Multi-Objective 3D Infrastructure Inspection with a UAV


私たちの方法により、4D NURBS表現と遺伝的ベースのアルゴリズムを使用して、パレートフロントを生成するために安全性、時間、およびエネルギーを最適化することにより、オンライン軌道適応を可能にします。
Simulations and real-world tests demonstrate the planner’s ability to produce diverse, optimized trajectories covering 95% or more of the range defined by single-objective benchmarks and its ability to estimate power consumption with a mean error representing 14% of the full power range.


Autonomous robotic inspection missions require balancing multiple conflicting objectives while navigating near costly obstacles. Current multi-objective path planning (MOPP) methods struggle to adapt to evolving risks like localization errors, weather, battery state, and communication issues. This letter presents an Adaptive Risk-aware and Energy-efficient NAvigation (ARENA) MOPP approach for UAVs in complex 3D environments. Our method enables online trajectory adaptation by optimizing safety, time, and energy using 4D NURBS representation and a genetic-based algorithm to generate the Pareto front. A novel risk-aware voting algorithm ensures adaptivity. Simulations and real-world tests demonstrate the planner’s ability to produce diverse, optimized trajectories covering 95% or more of the range defined by single-objective benchmarks and its ability to estimate power consumption with a mean error representing 14% of the full power range. The ARENA framework enhances UAV autonomy and reliability in critical, evolving 3D missions.


著者 David-Alexandre Poissant,Alexis Lussier Desbiens,François Ferland,Louis Petit
発行日 2025-02-26 18:50:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク