Mapping of Subjective Accounts into Interpreted Clusters (MOSAIC): Topic Modelling and LLM applied to Stroboscopic Phenomenology


422の公開主観的なレポートから抽出された862文のデータセットは、最近、SLSと空間音を集合的な設定で組み合わせた没入型多感覚体験であるDreamAchineプログラム(Collective Act、2022)の一部として編集されました。


Stroboscopic light stimulation (SLS) on closed eyes typically induces simple visual hallucinations (VHs), characterised by vivid, geometric and colourful patterns. A dataset of 862 sentences, extracted from 422 open subjective reports, was recently compiled as part of the Dreamachine programme (Collective Act, 2022), an immersive multisensory experience that combines SLS and spatial sound in a collective setting. Although open reports extend the range of reportable phenomenology, their analysis presents significant challenges, particularly in systematically identifying patterns. To address this challenge, we implemented a data-driven approach leveraging Large Language Models and Topic Modelling to uncover and interpret latent experiential topics directly from the Dreamachine’s text-based reports. Our analysis confirmed the presence of simple VHs typically documented in scientific studies of SLS, while also revealing experiences of altered states of consciousness and complex hallucinations. Building on these findings, our computational approach expands the systematic study of subjective experience by enabling data-driven analyses of open-ended phenomenological reports, capturing experiences not readily identified through standard questionnaires. By revealing rich and multifaceted aspects of experiences, our study broadens our understanding of stroboscopically-induced phenomena while highlighting the potential of Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models in the emerging field of computational (neuro)phenomenology. More generally, this approach provides a practically applicable methodology for uncovering subtle hidden patterns of subjective experience across diverse research domains.


著者 Romy Beauté,David J. Schwartzman,Guillaume Dumas,Jennifer Crook,Fiona Macpherson,Adam B. Barrett,Anil K. Seth
発行日 2025-02-25 16:11:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, q-bio.NC パーマリンク