Online Friction Coefficient Identification for Legged Robots on Slippery Terrain Using Smoothed Contact Gradients


提案されたフレームワークを検証するために、滑りやすい地形で四角いロボットプラットフォームであるKaist Houndを使用して実験を実施します。


This paper proposes an online friction coefficient identification framework for legged robots on slippery terrain. The approach formulates the optimization problem to minimize the sum of residuals between actual and predicted states parameterized by the friction coefficient in rigid body contact dynamics. Notably, the proposed framework leverages the analytic smoothed gradient of contact impulses, obtained by smoothing the complementarity condition of Coulomb friction, to solve the issue of non-informative gradients induced from the nonsmooth contact dynamics. Moreover, we introduce the rejection method to filter out data with high normal contact velocity following contact initiations during friction coefficient identification for legged robots. To validate the proposed framework, we conduct the experiments using a quadrupedal robot platform, KAIST HOUND, on slippery and nonslippery terrain. We observe that our framework achieves fast and consistent friction coefficient identification within various initial conditions.


著者 Hajun Kim,Dongyun Kang,Min-Gyu Kim,Gijeong Kim,Hae-Won Park
発行日 2025-02-24 05:01:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク