Humanoid Whole-Body Locomotion on Narrow Terrain via Dynamic Balance and Reinforcement Learning


具体的には、上部と下肢の調整されたアクションを達成することを目的とした全身俳優 – 批判的なフレームワークにおけるゼロモーメントポイント(ZMP)駆動型の報酬とタスク駆動型報酬の拡張尺度を活用することにより、動的バランスメカニズムを導入します。
フルサイズのUnitree H1-2ロボットで実施された実験は、非常に狭い地形と外障害の下でバランスを維持する方法の能力を検証し、複雑な環境に対するロボットの適応性を高める上でその有効性を示しています。


Humans possess delicate dynamic balance mechanisms that enable them to maintain stability across diverse terrains and under extreme conditions. However, despite significant advances recently, existing locomotion algorithms for humanoid robots are still struggle to traverse extreme environments, especially in cases that lack external perception (e.g., vision or LiDAR). This is because current methods often rely on gait-based or perception-condition rewards, lacking effective mechanisms to handle unobservable obstacles and sudden balance loss. To address this challenge, we propose a novel whole-body locomotion algorithm based on dynamic balance and Reinforcement Learning (RL) that enables humanoid robots to traverse extreme terrains, particularly narrow pathways and unexpected obstacles, using only proprioception. Specifically, we introduce a dynamic balance mechanism by leveraging an extended measure of Zero-Moment Point (ZMP)-driven rewards and task-driven rewards in a whole-body actor-critic framework, aiming to achieve coordinated actions of the upper and lower limbs for robust locomotion. Experiments conducted on a full-sized Unitree H1-2 robot verify the ability of our method to maintain balance on extremely narrow terrains and under external disturbances, demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing the robot’s adaptability to complex environments. The videos are given at


著者 Weiji Xie,Chenjia Bai,Jiyuan Shi,Junkai Yang,Yunfei Ge,Weinan Zhang,Xuelong Li
発行日 2025-02-24 14:53:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク