SOTOPIA-Ω: Dynamic Strategy Injection Learning and Social Instrucion Following Evaluation for Social Agents


提案されているソトピア – {\ omega}フレームワークは、言語エージェントの社会的能力を高めることに特に焦点を当てて、このギャップに対処し、橋渡しすることを目的としています。


Despite the abundance of prior social strategies possessed by humans, there remains a paucity of research dedicated to their transfer and integration into social agents. Our proposed SOTOPIA-{\Omega} framework aims to address and bridge this gap, with a particular focus on enhancing the social capabilities of language agents. This framework dynamically injects multi-step reasoning strategies inspired by negotiation theory, along with two simple direct strategies, into expert agents, thereby automating the construction of high-quality social dialogue training corpus. Additionally, we introduce the concept of Social Instruction Following (S-IF) and propose two new S-IF evaluation metrics that are complementary to social capability. We demonstrate that several 7B models trained on high-quality corpus not only significantly surpass the expert agent (GPT-4) in achieving social goals but also enhance S-IF performance. Analysis and variant experiments validate the advantages of dynamic construction, which can especially break the agent’s prolonged deadlock.


著者 Wenyuan Zhang,Tianyun Liu,Mengxiao Song,Xiaodong Li,Tingwen Liu
発行日 2025-02-21 15:40:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.HC パーマリンク