A Cautionary Tale About ‘Neutrally’ Informative AI Tools Ahead of the 2025 Federal Elections in Germany





In this study, we examine the reliability of AI-based Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) and large language models (LLMs) in providing objective political information. Our analysis is based upon a comparison with party responses to 38 statements of the Wahl-O-Mat, a well-established German online tool that helps inform voters by comparing their views with political party positions. For the LLMs, we identify significant biases. They exhibit a strong alignment (over 75% on average) with left-wing parties and a substantially lower alignment with center-right (smaller 50%) and right-wing parties (around 30%). Furthermore, for the VAAs, intended to objectively inform voters, we found substantial deviations from the parties’ stated positions in Wahl-O-Mat: While one VAA deviated in 25% of cases, another VAA showed deviations in more than 50% of cases. For the latter, we even observed that simple prompt injections led to severe hallucinations, including false claims such as non-existent connections between political parties and right-wing extremist ties.


著者 Ina Dormuth,Sven Franke,Marlies Hafer,Tim Katzke,Alexander Marx,Emmanuel Müller,Daniel Neider,Markus Pauly,Jérôme Rutinowski
発行日 2025-02-21 16:30:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク