TexLiDAR: Automated Text Understanding for Panoramic LiDAR Data


3Dポイントクラウドに加えて、固定解像度の深さ、信号、および周囲のパノラマ2D画像を生成するOuster OS1などの高度なLidarセンサーの出現により、LIDARベースのタスクに新しい機会が現れます。
私たちの実験は、Florence 2がより有益なキャプションを生成し、Clipなどの既存の方法と比較してオブジェクト検出タスクで優れたパフォーマンスを達成することを示しています。


Efforts to connect LiDAR data with text, such as LidarCLIP, have primarily focused on embedding 3D point clouds into CLIP text-image space. However, these approaches rely on 3D point clouds, which present challenges in encoding efficiency and neural network processing. With the advent of advanced LiDAR sensors like Ouster OS1, which, in addition to 3D point clouds, produce fixed resolution depth, signal, and ambient panoramic 2D images, new opportunities emerge for LiDAR based tasks. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to connect LiDAR data with text by leveraging 2D imagery generated by the OS1 sensor instead of 3D point clouds. Using the Florence 2 large model in a zero-shot setting, we perform image captioning and object detection. Our experiments demonstrate that Florence 2 generates more informative captions and achieves superior performance in object detection tasks compared to existing methods like CLIP. By combining advanced LiDAR sensor data with a large pre-trained model, our approach provides a robust and accurate solution for challenging detection scenarios, including real-time applications requiring high accuracy and robustness.


著者 Naor Cohen,Roy Orfaig,Ben-Zion Bobrovsky
発行日 2025-02-21 16:39:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク