Integrating Extra Modality Helps Segmentor Find Camouflaged Objects Well


Unilearnerは、擬似モーダルコンテンツとクロスモーダルセマンティックアソシエーションを生成することにより、COSタスクとは無関係のMultimodal Dataをcosタスクに関連付けてCOSモデルのセグメンテーション能力を向上させます。
私たちのコードは、\ href {} {github}で公開されます。


Camouflaged Object Segmentation (COS) remains a challenging problem due to the subtle visual differences between camouflaged objects and backgrounds. Owing to the exceedingly limited visual cues available from visible spectrum, previous RGB single-modality approaches often struggle to achieve satisfactory results, prompting the exploration of multimodal data to enhance detection accuracy. In this work, we present UniCOS, a novel framework that effectively leverages diverse data modalities to improve segmentation performance. UniCOS comprises two key components: a multimodal segmentor, UniSEG, and a cross-modal knowledge learning module, UniLearner. UniSEG employs a state space fusion mechanism to integrate cross-modal features within a unified state space, enhancing contextual understanding and improving robustness to integration of heterogeneous data. Additionally, it includes a fusion-feedback mechanism that facilitate feature extraction. UniLearner exploits multimodal data unrelated to the COS task to improve the segmentation ability of the COS models by generating pseudo-modal content and cross-modal semantic associations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UniSEG outperforms existing Multimodal COS (MCOS) segmentors, regardless of whether real or pseudo-multimodal COS data is available. Moreover, in scenarios where multimodal COS data is unavailable but multimodal non-COS data is accessible, UniLearner effectively exploits these data to enhance segmentation performance. Our code will be made publicly available on \href{}{GitHub}.


著者 Chengyu Fang,Chunming He,Longxiang Tang,Yuelin Zhang,Chenyang Zhu,Yuqi Shen,Chubin Chen,Guoxia Xu,Xiu Li
発行日 2025-02-20 11:49:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク