SigLIP 2: Multilingual Vision-Language Encoders with Improved Semantic Understanding, Localization, and Dense Features


元のSiglipの成功に基づいて構築された新しい多言語ビジョン言語エンコーダーのファミリーであるSiglip 2を紹介します。

これらの変更により、Siglip 2モデルは、ビジョン言語モデル(VLM)の視覚表現を抽出する際のゼロショット分類、画像テキスト検索、転送パフォーマンスなど、コア機能のすべてのモデルスケールでSiglipのカウンターパートを上回ります。


We introduce SigLIP 2, a family of new multilingual vision-language encoders that build on the success of the original SigLIP. In this second iteration, we extend the original image-text training objective with several prior, independently developed techniques into a unified recipe — this includes captioning-based pretraining, self-supervised losses (self-distillation, masked prediction) and online data curation. With these changes, SigLIP 2 models outperform their SigLIP counterparts at all model scales in core capabilities, including zero-shot classification, image-text retrieval, and transfer performance when extracting visual representations for Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Furthermore, the new training recipe leads to significant improvements on localization and dense prediction tasks. We also train variants which support multiple resolutions and preserve the input’s native aspect ratio. Finally, we train on a more diverse data-mixture that includes de-biasing techniques, leading to much better multilingual understanding and improved fairness. To allow users to trade off inference cost with performance, we release model checkpoints at four sizes: ViT-B (86M), L (303M), So400m (400M), and g (1B).


著者 Michael Tschannen,Alexey Gritsenko,Xiao Wang,Muhammad Ferjad Naeem,Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin,Nikhil Parthasarathy,Talfan Evans,Lucas Beyer,Ye Xia,Basil Mustafa,Olivier Hénaff,Jeremiah Harmsen,Andreas Steiner,Xiaohua Zhai
発行日 2025-02-20 18:08:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク