デモンストレーション研究は、1600および3200のレイノルズ数でのTaylor-Green Vortexおよび後方向けステップフローシミュレーションの六面体メッシュベースのデータを使用して実行されます。グローバルエラーとローカルエラーの両方の分析を通じて、結果は最終的にGNNがどのように生成できるかを示しています。
A graph neural network (GNN) approach is introduced in this work which enables mesh-based three-dimensional super-resolution of fluid flows. In this framework, the GNN is designed to operate not on the full mesh-based field at once, but on localized meshes of elements (or cells) directly. To facilitate mesh-based GNN representations in a manner similar to spectral (or finite) element discretizations, a baseline GNN layer (termed a message passing layer, which updates local node properties) is modified to account for synchronization of coincident graph nodes, rendering compatibility with commonly used element-based mesh connectivities. The architecture is multiscale in nature, and is comprised of a combination of coarse-scale and fine-scale message passing layer sequences (termed processors) separated by a graph unpooling layer. The coarse-scale processor embeds a query element (alongside a set number of neighboring coarse elements) into a single latent graph representation using coarse-scale synchronized message passing over the element neighborhood, and the fine-scale processor leverages additional message passing operations on this latent graph to correct for interpolation errors. Demonstration studies are performed using hexahedral mesh-based data from Taylor-Green Vortex and backward-facing step flow simulations at Reynolds numbers of 1600 and 3200. Through analysis of both global and local errors, the results ultimately show how the GNN is able to produce accurate super-resolved fields compared to targets in both coarse-scale and multiscale model configurations. Reconstruction errors for fixed architectures were found to increase in proportion to the Reynolds number. Geometry extrapolation studies on a separate cavity flow configuration show promising cross-mesh capabilities of the super-resolution strategy.
著者 | Shivam Barwey,Pinaki Pal,Saumil Patel,Riccardo Balin,Bethany Lusch,Venkatram Vishwanath,Romit Maulik,Ramesh Balakrishnan |
発行日 | 2025-02-19 17:27:58+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google