偏ったINSSに適用された最近の等衛生理論の進歩に触発されて、$ {\ mathbf {gal}(3)\ ltimes \ mathfrak {gal}(3)} $の$ {\ mathbf {gal}(3)\ ltimes \ mathfrak {gal}(3)の離散時間の定式化を導き出します。
ガリラエングループの接線グループの些細なこと$ \ mathbf {gal}(3)$。
シミュレーションと実際のIMUデータ、Lie ++ライブラリでの実装、およびオープンソースコードの両方で、最先端の方法に対する広範な検証が提供されます。
This letter proposes a new approach for Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) preintegration, a fundamental building block that can be leveraged in different optimization-based Inertial Navigation System (INS) localization solutions. Inspired by recent advances in equivariant theory applied to biased INSs, we derive a discrete-time formulation of the IMU preintegration on ${\mathbf{Gal}(3) \ltimes \mathfrak{gal}(3)}$, the left-trivialization of the tangent group of the Galilean group $\mathbf{Gal}(3)$. We define a novel preintegration error that geometrically couples the navigation states and the bias leading to lower linearization error. Our method improves in consistency compared to existing preintegration approaches which treat IMU biases as a separate state-space. Extensive validation against state-of-the-art methods, both in simulation and with real-world IMU data, implementation in the Lie++ library, and open-source code are provided.
著者 | Giulio Delama,Alessandro Fornasier,Robert Mahony,Stephan Weiss |
発行日 | 2025-02-18 13:30:47+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google