$(1)$ $ $が正規化された更新パラメーター化($ \ nu $ p)を提案して、事前活性化の正規化された進化を誘導する隠されたレイヤーサイズを拡大することによりこの問題を解決することを提案します。
新規および累積パラメーターの更新と$(3)$ $(カタパルトフェーズを無期限に延長できるジオメトリ認識学習率スケジュール)。
私たちは仮説をサポートし、経験的証拠による$ \ nu $ pの有用性と学習率のスケジュールを実証します。
Since infinitely wide neural networks in the kernel regime are random feature models, the success of contemporary deep learning lies in the rich regime, where a satisfying theory should explain not only the convergence of gradient descent but the learning of features along the way. Such a theory should also cover phenomena observed by practicioners including the Edge of Stability (EOS) and the catapult mechanism. For a practically relevant theory in the limit, neural network parameterizations have to efficiently reproduce limiting behavior as width and depth are scaled up. While widthwise scaling is mostly settled, depthwise scaling is solved only at initialization by the Edge of Chaos (EOC). During training, scaling up depth is either done by inversely scaling the learning rate or adding residual connections. We propose $(1)$ the Normalized Update Parameterization ($\nu$P) to solve this issue by growing hidden layer sizes depthwise inducing the regularized evolution of preactivations, $(2)$ a hypothetical explanation for feature learning via the cosine of new and cumulative parameter updates and $(3)$ a geometry-aware learning rate schedule that is able to prolong the catapult phase indefinitely. We support our hypotheses and demonstrate the usefulness of $\nu$P and the learning rate schedule by empirical evidence.
著者 | Dávid Terjék |
発行日 | 2025-02-18 18:23:33+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google