Stonefish: Supporting Machine Learning Research in Marine Robotics


このペーパーでは、海洋ロボティクスソリューションの開発とテストをサポートする高度なオープンソースプラットフォームであるStonefish Simulatorの最近の機能強化を強調しています。


Simulations are highly valuable in marine robotics, offering a cost-effective and controlled environment for testing in the challenging conditions of underwater and surface operations. Given the high costs and logistical difficulties of real-world trials, simulators capable of capturing the operational conditions of subsea environments have become key in developing and refining algorithms for remotely-operated and autonomous underwater vehicles. This paper highlights recent enhancements to the Stonefish simulator, an advanced open-source platform supporting development and testing of marine robotics solutions. Key updates include a suite of additional sensors, such as an event-based camera, a thermal camera, and an optical flow camera, as well as, visual light communication, support for tethered operations, improved thruster modelling, more flexible hydrodynamics, and enhanced sonar accuracy. These developments and an automated annotation tool significantly bolster Stonefish’s role in marine robotics research, especially in the field of machine learning, where training data with a known ground truth is hard or impossible to collect.


著者 Michele Grimaldi,Patryk Cieslak,Eduardo Ochoa,Vibhav Bharti,Hayat Rajani,Ignacio Carlucho,Maria Koskinopoulou,Yvan R. Petillot,Nuno Gracias
発行日 2025-02-17 15:13:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク