Scaling Test-Time Compute Without Verification or RL is Suboptimal


この論文では、RLまたは検索に基づいた検証剤ベースの(VB)メソッドを使用したFinetuning LLMSが、固定額のコンピューティング/データ予算を考慮して、検索トレースの蒸留またはクローニングに基づいた検証剤フリー(VF)アプローチよりもはるかに優れていることを証明します。

抗濃縮[erd \ h {o} s、1945]を使用してこの状態を正式にします。


Despite substantial advances in scaling test-time compute, an ongoing debate in the community is how it should be scaled up to enable continued and efficient improvements with scaling. There are largely two approaches: first, distilling successful search or thinking traces; and second, using verification (e.g., 0/1 outcome rewards, reward models, or verifiers) to guide reinforcement learning (RL) and search algorithms. In this paper, we prove that finetuning LLMs with verifier-based (VB) methods based on RL or search is far superior to verifier-free (VF) approaches based on distilling or cloning search traces, given a fixed amount of compute/data budget. Further, we show that as we scale test-time compute (measured as the output token length) and training data, suboptimality of VF methods scales poorly compared to VB when the base pre-trained LLM presents a heterogeneous distribution over correct solution traces (e.g., different lengths, styles, etc.) and admits a non-sharp distribution over rewards on traces sampled from it. We formalize this condition using anti-concentration [Erd\H{o}s, 1945]. This implies a stronger result that VB methods scale better asymptotically, with the performance gap between VB and VF methods widening as test-time budget grows. We corroborate our theory empirically on both didactic and math reasoning problems with 3/8/32B-sized pre-trained LLMs, where we find verification is crucial for scaling test-time compute.


著者 Amrith Setlur,Nived Rajaraman,Sergey Levine,Aviral Kumar
発行日 2025-02-17 18:43:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク