Bridging Compressed Image Latents and Multimodal Large Language Models




This paper presents the first-ever study of adapting compressed image latents to suit the needs of downstream vision tasks that adopt Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). MLLMs have extended the success of large language models to modalities (e.g. images) beyond text, but their billion scale hinders deployment on resource-constrained end devices. While cloud-hosted MLLMs could be available, transmitting raw, uncompressed images captured by end devices to the cloud requires an efficient image compression system. To address this, we focus on emerging neural image compression and propose a novel framework with a lightweight transform-neck and a surrogate loss to adapt compressed image latents for MLLM-based vision tasks. Given the huge scale of MLLMs, our framework excludes the entire downstream MLLM except part of its visual encoder from training our system. This stands out from most existing coding for machine approaches that involve downstream networks in training and thus could be impractical when the networks are MLLMs. The proposed framework is general in that it is applicable to various MLLMs, neural image codecs, and multiple application scenarios, where the neural image codec can be (1) pre-trained for human perception without updating, (2) fully updated for joint human and machine perception, or (3) fully updated for only machine perception. Extensive experiments on different neural image codecs and various MLLMs show that our method achieves great rate-accuracy performance with much less complexity.


著者 Chia-Hao Kao,Cheng Chien,Yu-Jen Tseng,Yi-Hsin Chen,Alessandro Gnutti,Shao-Yuan Lo,Wen-Hsiao Peng,Riccardo Leonardi
発行日 2025-02-17 15:29:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.MM パーマリンク