Perch like a bird: bio-inspired optimal maneuvers and nonlinear control for Flapping-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


結果として生じる自律的な止まり木の操縦 – 閉ループの降下とターン – は、検証および検証されており、文献で報告されている本物の鳥の止まりの軌跡との優れた一致を示しています。


This research endeavors to design the perching maneuver and control in ornithopter robots. By analyzing the dynamic interplay between the robot’s flight dynamics, feedback loops, and the environmental constraints, we aim to advance our understanding of the perching maneuver, drawing parallels to biological systems. Inspired by the elegant control strategies observed in avian flight, we develop an optimal maneuver and a corresponding controller to achieve stable perching. The maneuver consists of a deceleration and a rapid pitch-up (vertical turn), which arises from analytically solving the optimization problem of minimal velocity at perch, subject to kinematic and dynamic constraints. The controller for the flapping frequency and tail symmetric deflection is nonlinear and adaptive, ensuring robustly stable perching. Indeed, such adaptive behavior in a sense incorporates homeostatic principles of cybernetics into the control system, enhancing the robot’s ability to adapt to unexpected disturbances and maintain a stable posture during the perching maneuver. The resulting autonomous perching maneuvers — closed-loop descent and turn — , have been verified and validated, demonstrating excellent agreement with real bird perching trajectories reported in the literature. These findings lay the theoretical groundwork for the development of future prototypes that better imitate the skillful perching maneuvers of birds.


著者 C. Ruiz,J. Á. Acosta
発行日 2025-02-13 19:24:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 93C10, 93C85, 93D21, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY, math.OC パーマリンク