Autoware.Flex: Human-Instructed Dynamically Reconfigurable Autonomous Driving Systems


このペーパーでは、AutoWare $。$ FLEXを提案します。これは、人間の入力を運転プロセスに組み込み、ユーザーがより適切な決定を下し、好みが満たされるように広告を導くことができるようにします。

シミュレータと実際の自律型車両の両方で実施さ​​れた実験は、AutoWare $。$ Flexが人間の指示を効果的に解釈し、安全に実行することを示しています。


Existing Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS) independently make driving decisions, but they face two significant limitations. First, in complex scenarios, ADS may misinterpret the environment and make inappropriate driving decisions. Second, these systems are unable to incorporate human driving preferences in their decision-making processes. This paper proposes Autoware$.$Flex, a novel ADS system that incorporates human input into the driving process, allowing users to guide the ADS in making more appropriate decisions and ensuring their preferences are satisfied. Achieving this needs to address two key challenges: (1) translating human instructions, expressed in natural language, into a format the ADS can understand, and (2) ensuring these instructions are executed safely and consistently within the ADS’ s decision-making framework. For the first challenge, we employ a Large Language Model (LLM) assisted by an ADS-specialized knowledge base to enhance domain-specific translation. For the second challenge, we design a validation mechanism to ensure that human instructions result in safe and consistent driving behavior. Experiments conducted on both simulators and a real-world autonomous vehicle demonstrate that Autoware$.$Flex effectively interprets human instructions and executes them safely.


著者 Ziwei Song,Mingsong Lv,Tianchi Ren,Chun Jason Xue,Jen-Ming Wu,Nan Guan
発行日 2025-02-14 09:12:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク