Parallel Tempering(PT)は、並列計算を活用するために設計された古典的なMCMCアルゴリズムで、アニーリングを介した高次元、マルチモーダル、またはその他の複雑な分布から効率的にサンプリングします。
Parallel Tempering (PT) is a classical MCMC algorithm designed for leveraging parallel computation to sample efficiently from high-dimensional, multimodal or otherwise complex distributions via annealing. One limitation of the standard formulation of PT is the growth of computational resources required to generate high-quality samples, as measured by effective sample size or round trip rate, for increasingly challenging distributions. To address this issue, we propose the framework: Generalised Parallel Tempering (GePT) which allows for the incorporation of recent advances in modern generative modelling, such as normalising flows and diffusion models, within Parallel Tempering, while maintaining the same theoretical guarantees as MCMC-based methods. For instance, we show that this allows us to utilise diffusion models in a parallelised manner, bypassing the usual computational cost of a large number of steps to generate quality samples. Further, we empirically demonstrate that GePT can improve sample quality and reduce the growth of computational resources required to handle complex distributions over the classical algorithm.
著者 | Leo Zhang,Peter Potaptchik,Arnaud Doucet,Hai-Dang Dau,Saifuddin Syed |
発行日 | 2025-02-14 17:41:44+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google