この分析を実施するために、指定された順序までのトークン間の相互作用を厳密にキャプチャする、特定の自然言語データセットの\ textit {clones}を生成する手順を開発します。
The remarkable capability of over-parameterised neural networks to generalise effectively has been explained by invoking a “simplicity bias”: neural networks prevent overfitting by initially learning simple classifiers before progressing to more complex, non-linear functions. While simplicity biases have been described theoretically and experimentally in feed-forward networks for supervised learning, the extent to which they also explain the remarkable success of transformers trained with self-supervised techniques remains unclear. In our study, we demonstrate that transformers, trained on natural language data, also display a simplicity bias. Specifically, they sequentially learn many-body interactions among input tokens, reaching a saturation point in the prediction error for low-degree interactions while continuing to learn high-degree interactions. To conduct this analysis, we develop a procedure to generate \textit{clones} of a given natural language data set, which rigorously capture the interactions between tokens up to a specified order. This approach opens up the possibilities of studying how interactions of different orders in the data affect learning, in natural language processing and beyond.
著者 | Riccardo Rende,Federica Gerace,Alessandro Laio,Sebastian Goldt |
発行日 | 2025-02-14 15:20:42+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google