Hubness, the tendency for few points to be among the nearest neighbours of a disproportionate number of other points, commonly arises when applying standard distance measures to high-dimensional data, often negatively impacting distance-based analysis. As autoregressive large language models (LLMs) operate on high-dimensional representations, we ask whether they are also affected by hubness. We first show, theoretically, that the only representation comparison operation performed by LLMs, namely that between context and unembedding vectors to determine continuation probabilities, is not characterized by the concentration of distances phenomenon that typically causes the appeareance of nuisance hubness. We then empirically show that this comparison still leads to a high degree of hubness, but the hubs in this case do not constitute a disturbance. They are rather the result of context-modulated frequent tokens often appearing in the pool of likely candidates for next token prediction. On the other hand, when other distance computations involving LLM representations are performed, we do not have the same theoretical guarantees, and, indeed, we see nuisance hubs appear. In summary, our work highlights, on the one hand, how hubness, while omnipresent in high-dimensional spaces, is not always a negative property that needs to be mitigated, and, on the other hand, it shows that various widely-used LLMs have developed a guessing strategy that consists in constantly assigning a high probability to frequent tokens.
著者 | Beatrix M. G. Nielsen,Iuri Macocco,Marco Baroni |
発行日 | 2025-02-14 14:52:41+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google