EnigmaEval: A Benchmark of Long Multimodal Reasoning Challenges


ベンチマークは、さまざまな複雑さの1184のパズルで構成されています。それぞれが通常、熟練したソルバーのチームが完了するのに数日から数日までのチームを必要とします – 効率的な評価を可能にする明確で検証可能なソリューションを使用します。


As language models master existing reasoning benchmarks, we need new challenges to evaluate their cognitive frontiers. Puzzle-solving events are rich repositories of challenging multimodal problems that test a wide range of advanced reasoning and knowledge capabilities, making them a unique testbed for evaluating frontier language models. We introduce EnigmaEval, a dataset of problems and solutions derived from puzzle competitions and events that probes models’ ability to perform implicit knowledge synthesis and multi-step deductive reasoning. Unlike existing reasoning and knowledge benchmarks, puzzle solving challenges models to discover hidden connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information to uncover solution paths. The benchmark comprises 1184 puzzles of varying complexity — each typically requiring teams of skilled solvers hours to days to complete — with unambiguous, verifiable solutions that enable efficient evaluation. State-of-the-art language models achieve extremely low accuracy on these puzzles, even lower than other difficult benchmarks such as Humanity’s Last Exam, unveiling models’ shortcomings when challenged with problems requiring unstructured and lateral reasoning.


著者 Clinton J. Wang,Dean Lee,Cristina Menghini,Johannes Mols,Jack Doughty,Adam Khoja,Jayson Lynch,Sean Hendryx,Summer Yue,Dan Hendrycks
発行日 2025-02-14 16:40:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク