Reinforcement Learning in Strategy-Based and Atari Games: A Review of Google DeepMinds Innovations


Rehnection Learning(RL)は、AIモデルの優れたトレーニンググラウンドとして機能する多くのアプリケーション、特にゲームで広く使用されています。
Google Deepmindは、この分野のイノベーションを開拓し、モデルベース、モデルフリー、ディープQネットワークアプローチを含む強化学習アルゴリズムを採用して、Alphago、Alphago Zero、Muzeroなどの高度なAIモデルを作成します。
Alphago Zeroは、人間のゲームプレイデータへの依存を排除​​することにより、このアプローチを改良し、代わりに学習効率を向上させるために自己プレイを利用します。
さらに、MinizeroやMulti-Agentモデルなど、ゲームの分野での進歩について説明し、Google Deepmindの将来の方向性と新興AIモデルを強調しています。


Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been widely used in many applications, particularly in gaming, which serves as an excellent training ground for AI models. Google DeepMind has pioneered innovations in this field, employing reinforcement learning algorithms, including model-based, model-free, and deep Q-network approaches, to create advanced AI models such as AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, and MuZero. AlphaGo, the initial model, integrates supervised learning and reinforcement learning to master the game of Go, surpassing professional human players. AlphaGo Zero refines this approach by eliminating reliance on human gameplay data, instead utilizing self-play for enhanced learning efficiency. MuZero further extends these advancements by learning the underlying dynamics of game environments without explicit knowledge of the rules, achieving adaptability across various games, including complex Atari games. This paper reviews the significance of reinforcement learning applications in Atari and strategy-based games, analyzing these three models, their key innovations, training processes, challenges encountered, and improvements made. Additionally, we discuss advancements in the field of gaming, including MiniZero and multi-agent models, highlighting future directions and emerging AI models from Google DeepMind.


著者 Abdelrhman Shaheen,Anas Badr,Ali Abohendy,Hatem Alsaadawy,Nadine Alsayad
発行日 2025-02-14 17:06:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT パーマリンク