以前の作業は、元の分散と分散抽出スケジュールを改善しましたが、これらのアプローチ$ \ textit {受動的に} $は、それを直接制御することなく、全体の分散を調整します。
私たちのアプローチは、テレビが指数関数的に爆発するさまざまな既存のスケジュールが、同じSNRスケジュールを維持しながら一定のテレビスケジュールを設定することにより、$ \ textit {改良} $になる可能性があることを明らかにしています。
The long sampling time of diffusion models remains a significant bottleneck, which can be mitigated by reducing the number of diffusion time steps. However, the quality of samples with fewer steps is highly dependent on the noise schedule, i.e., the specific manner in which noise is introduced and the signal is reduced at each step. Although prior work has improved upon the original variance-preserving and variance-exploding schedules, these approaches $\textit{passively}$ adjust the total variance, without direct control over it. In this work, we propose a novel total-variance/signal-to-noise-ratio disentangled (TV/SNR) framework, where TV and SNR can be controlled independently. Our approach reveals that different existing schedules, where the TV explodes exponentially, can be $\textit{improved}$ by setting a constant TV schedule while preserving the same SNR schedule. Furthermore, generalizing the SNR schedule of the optimal transport flow matching significantly improves the performance in molecular structure generation, achieving few step generation of stable molecules. A similar tendency is observed in image generation, where our approach with a uniform diffusion time grid performs comparably to the highly tailored EDM sampler.
著者 | Khaled Kahouli,Winfried Ripken,Stefan Gugler,Oliver T. Unke,Klaus-Robert Müller,Shinichi Nakajima |
発行日 | 2025-02-12 17:35:43+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google