TAID: Temporally Adaptive Interpolated Distillation for Efficient Knowledge Transfer in Language Models


これらの問題に対処するために、$ \ textit {時間的に適応的な補間蒸留(TAID)} $を紹介します。これは、教師の分布に向けて生徒の初期分布から徐々にシフトする適応的な中間分布を通じて生徒と教師の分布を動的に補間する新しい知識蒸留アプローチを導入します。

さらに、2つの最先端のコンパクトファンデーションモデルを開発することにより、Taidの実用的な影響を紹介します:$ \ texttt {taid-llm-1.5b}言語タスク用の$ \ texttt {taid-vlm-2b} $ for vision
– 言語タスク。


Causal language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, but their size poses significant challenges for deployment in resource-constrained environments. Knowledge distillation, a widely-used technique for transferring knowledge from a large teacher model to a small student model, presents a promising approach for model compression. A significant remaining issue lies in the major differences between teacher and student models, namely the substantial capacity gap, mode averaging, and mode collapse, which pose barriers during distillation. To address these issues, we introduce $\textit{Temporally Adaptive Interpolated Distillation (TAID)}$, a novel knowledge distillation approach that dynamically interpolates student and teacher distributions through an adaptive intermediate distribution, gradually shifting from the student’s initial distribution towards the teacher’s distribution. We provide a theoretical analysis demonstrating TAID’s ability to prevent mode collapse and empirically show its effectiveness in addressing the capacity gap while balancing mode averaging and mode collapse. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate TAID’s superior performance across various model sizes and architectures in both instruction tuning and pre-training scenarios. Furthermore, we showcase TAID’s practical impact by developing two state-of-the-art compact foundation models: $\texttt{TAID-LLM-1.5B}$ for language tasks and $\texttt{TAID-VLM-2B}$ for vision-language tasks. These results demonstrate TAID’s effectiveness in creating high-performing and efficient models, advancing the development of more accessible AI technologies.


著者 Makoto Shing,Kou Misaki,Han Bao,Sho Yokoi,Takuya Akiba
発行日 2025-02-12 12:25:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク