Uncertainty Aware Human-machine Collaboration in Camouflaged Object Detection


迷彩データセットのフレームワークを評価し、既存の方法と比較して、平均精度(BA)で平均4.56 \%、F1スコアで3.66 \%の平均改善で最先端の結果を達成しました。
最高のパフォーマンスの参加者の場合、改善はBAで7.6 \%、F1スコアで6.66 \%に達しました。
私たちのコードとデータは、https://github.com/ziyuey/unc evanterty-aware-human-machine-collaboration-in-camouflage-object-識別で入手できます。


Camouflaged Object Detection (COD), the task of identifying objects concealed within their environments, has seen rapid growth due to its wide range of practical applications. A key step toward developing trustworthy COD systems is the estimation and effective utilization of uncertainty. In this work, we propose a human-machine collaboration framework for classifying the presence of camouflaged objects, leveraging the complementary strengths of computer vision (CV) models and noninvasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Our approach introduces a multiview backbone to estimate uncertainty in CV model predictions, utilizes this uncertainty during training to improve efficiency, and defers low-confidence cases to human evaluation via RSVP-based BCIs during testing for more reliable decision-making. We evaluated the framework in the CAMO dataset, achieving state-of-the-art results with an average improvement of 4.56\% in balanced accuracy (BA) and 3.66\% in the F1 score compared to existing methods. For the best-performing participants, the improvements reached 7.6\% in BA and 6.66\% in the F1 score. Analysis of the training process revealed a strong correlation between our confidence measures and precision, while an ablation study confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed training policy and the human-machine collaboration strategy. In general, this work reduces human cognitive load, improves system reliability, and provides a strong foundation for advancements in real-world COD applications and human-computer interaction. Our code and data are available at: https://github.com/ziyuey/Uncertainty-aware-human-machine-collaboration-in-camouflaged-object-identification.


著者 Ziyue Yang,Kehan Wang,Yuhang Ming,Yong Peng,Han Yang,Qiong Chen,Wanzeng Kong
発行日 2025-02-12 13:05:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク