O1 Embedder: Let Retrievers Think Before Action


Openai O1やDeepseek R1などの推論モデルの最近の導入は、最終的な回答を提供する前に徐々に考えるLLMSの能力を強調していることを強調しています。
この動機付けにより、O1 Embedderと呼ばれる新しいアプローチを提案します。これは、ターゲットドキュメントの検索を行う前に、入力クエリに有用な思考を生成します。
これらの結果は、O1 Embedderの顕著な精度と一般化可能性を強調し、次世代IR Foundationモデルの開発への道を開いています。


The growing power of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized how people access and utilize information. Notably, the LLMs excel at performing fine-grained data representation, which facilitates precise retrieval of information. They also generate high-quality answers based on external references, enabling the production of useful knowledge. The recent introduction of reasoning models, like OpenAI O1 and DeepSeek R1, marks another leap forward, highlighting LLMs’ ability to think progressively before delivering final answers. This breakthrough significantly improves the ability to address complex tasks, e.g., coding and math proofs. Inspired by this progress, we aim to develop similar capabilities for retrieval models, which hold great promise for tackling critical challenges in the field, including multi-task retrieval, zero-shot retrieval, and tasks requiring intensive reasoning of complex relationships. With this motivation, we propose a novel approach called O1 Embedder, which generates useful thoughts for the input query before making retrieval for the target documents. To realize this objective, we conquer two technical difficulties. First, we design a data synthesis workflow, creating training signals for O1 Embedder by generating initial thoughts from an LLM-expert and subsequently refining them using a retrieval committee. Second, we optimize the training process, enabling a pre-trained model to be jointly fine-tuned to generate retrieval thoughts via behavior cloning and perform dense retrieval through contrastive learning. Our approach is evaluated by comprehensive experiments, where substantial improvements are achieved across 12 popular datasets, spanning both in-domain and out-of-domain scenarios. These results highlight O1 Embedder’s remarkable accuracy and generalizability, paving the way for the development of next-generation IR foundation models.


著者 Ruin Yan,Zheng Liu,Defu Lian
発行日 2025-02-11 13:48:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク