SymGPT: Auditing Smart Contracts via Combining Symbolic Execution with Large Language Models


このペーパーでは、Symgptを紹介します。Symgptは、大規模な言語モデル(LLMS)の自然言語の理解と、Smart ContractsのERCルールへのコンプライアンスを自動的に検証するためのシンボリック実行の正式な保証を組み合わせたツールを紹介します。


To govern smart contracts running on Ethereum, multiple Ethereum Request for Comment (ERC) standards have been developed, each having a set of rules to guide the behaviors of smart contracts. Violating the ERC rules could cause serious security issues and financial loss, signifying the importance of verifying smart contracts follow ERCs. Today’s practices of such verification are to manually audit each single contract, use expert-developed program-analysis tools, or use large language models (LLMs), all of which are far from effective in identifying ERC rule violations. This paper introduces SymGPT, a tool that combines the natural language understanding of large language models (LLMs) with the formal guarantees of symbolic execution to automatically verify smart contracts’ compliance with ERC rules. To develop SymGPT, we conduct an empirical study of 132 ERC rules from three widely used ERC standards, examining their content, security implications, and natural language descriptions. Based on this study, we design SymGPT by first instructing an LLM to translate ERC rules into a defined EBNF grammar. We then synthesize constraints from the formalized rules to represent scenarios where violations may occur and use symbolic execution to detect them. Our evaluation shows that SymGPT identifies 5,783 ERC rule violations in 4,000 real-world contracts, including 1,375 violations with clear attack paths for stealing financial assets, demonstrating its effectiveness. Furthermore, SymGPT outperforms six automated techniques and a security-expert auditing service, underscoring its superiority over current smart contract analysis methods.


著者 Shihao Xia,Mengting He,Shuai Shao,Tingting Yu,Yiying Zhang,Linhai Song
発行日 2025-02-11 15:34:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク