An Elliptic Curve Based Solution to the Perspective-Three-Point Problem


この分析は、最先端のP3Pソルバー「Lambda Twist」と比較される、効率的で正確で合理的にシンプルなP3Pソルバーを生成します。


The Perspective-Three-Point Problem (P3P) is solved by first focusing on determining the directions of the lines through pairs of control points, relative to the camera, rather than the distances from the camera to the control points. The analysis of this produces an efficient, accurate and reasonably simple P3P solver, which is compared with a state-of-the-art P3P solver, ‘Lambda Twist.’ Both methods depend on the accurate computation of a single root of a cubic polynomial. They have been implemented and tested for a wide range of control-point triangles, and under certain reasonable restrictions, the new method is noticably more accurate than Lambda Twist, though it is slower. However, the principal value of the present work is not in introducing yet another P3P solver, but lies rather in the discovery of an intimate connection between the P3P problem and a special family of elliptic curves that includes curves utilized in cryptography. This holds the potential for further advances in a number of directions. To make this connection, an interesting spherical analogue of an ancient ‘sliding’ problem is stated and solved.


著者 Michael Q. Rieck
発行日 2025-02-11 14:03:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 14H52, 51M10, cs.CV, math.AG パーマリンク