Near, far: Patch-ordering enhances vision foundation models’ scene understanding


NECO:PATCH Neighbor Consecencyを紹介します。これは、学生と教師モデル全体でパッチレベルの最近隣接する一貫性を実施する新しい自己監視のトレーニング損失です。
この方法は、高品質の高密度機能エンコーダーを生成し、ADE20KおよびPascal VOCのノンパラメトリックインコンテキストセマンティックセグメンテーション、 +7.2%および + +など、 +5.5%および +6%などのいくつかの新しい最先端の結果を確立します。


We introduce NeCo: Patch Neighbor Consistency, a novel self-supervised training loss that enforces patch-level nearest neighbor consistency across a student and teacher model. Compared to contrastive approaches that only yield binary learning signals, i.e., ‘attract’ and ‘repel’, this approach benefits from the more fine-grained learning signal of sorting spatially dense features relative to reference patches. Our method leverages differentiable sorting applied on top of pretrained representations, such as DINOv2-registers to bootstrap the learning signal and further improve upon them. This dense post-pretraining leads to superior performance across various models and datasets, despite requiring only 19 hours on a single GPU. This method generates high-quality dense feature encoders and establishes several new state-of-the-art results such as +5.5% and +6% for non-parametric in-context semantic segmentation on ADE20k and Pascal VOC, +7.2% and +5.7% for linear segmentation evaluations on COCO-Things and -Stuff and improvements in the 3D understanding of multi-view consistency on SPair-71k, by more than 1.5%.


著者 Valentinos Pariza,Mohammadreza Salehi,Gertjan Burghouts,Francesco Locatello,Yuki M. Asano
発行日 2025-02-11 14:15:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク