Direct-CP: Directed Collaborative Perception for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles via Proactive Attention


V2X-SIM 2.0データセットでの広範な実験は、私たちのアプローチが、関心のある方向で19.8%高い局所認識精度を達成し、共同3Dオブジェクト検出タスクの最先端の方法よりも2.5%高い全体的な知覚精度を達成することを示しています。


Collaborative perception (CP) leverages visual data from connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) to enhance an ego vehicle’s field of view (FoV). Despite recent progress, current CP methods expand the ego vehicle’s 360-degree perceptual range almost equally, which faces two key challenges. Firstly, in areas with uneven traffic distribution, focusing on directions with little traffic offers limited benefits. Secondly, under limited communication budgets, allocating excessive bandwidth to less critical directions lowers the perception accuracy in more vital areas. To address these issues, we propose Direct-CP, a proactive and direction-aware CP system aiming at improving CP in specific directions. Our key idea is to enable an ego vehicle to proactively signal its interested directions and readjust its attention to enhance local directional CP performance. To achieve this, we first propose an RSU-aided direction masking mechanism that assists an ego vehicle in identifying vital directions. Additionally, we design a direction-aware selective attention module to wisely aggregate pertinent features based on ego vehicle’s directional priorities, communication budget, and the positional data of CAVs. Moreover, we introduce a direction-weighted detection loss (DWLoss) to capture the divergence between directional CP outcomes and the ground truth, facilitating effective model training. Extensive experiments on the V2X-Sim 2.0 dataset demonstrate that our approach achieves 19.8\% higher local perception accuracy in interested directions and 2.5\% higher overall perception accuracy than the state-of-the-art methods in collaborative 3D object detection tasks.


著者 Yihang Tao,Senkang Hu,Zhengru Fang,Yuguang Fang
発行日 2025-02-10 15:06:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク