Illegal Waste Detection in Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study




Environmental crime currently represents the third largest criminal activity worldwide while threatening ecosystems as well as human health. Among the crimes related to this activity, improper waste management can nowadays be countered more easily thanks to the increasing availability and decreasing cost of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing images, which enable semi-automatic territory scanning in search of illegal landfills. This paper proposes a pipeline, developed in collaboration with professionals from a local environmental agency, for detecting candidate illegal dumping sites leveraging a classifier of Remote Sensing images. To identify the best configuration for such classifier, an extensive set of experiments was conducted and the impact of diverse image characteristics and training settings was thoroughly analyzed. The local environmental agency was then involved in an experimental exercise where outputs from the developed classifier were integrated in the experts’ everyday work, resulting in time savings with respect to manual photo-interpretation. The classifier was eventually run with valuable results on a location outside of the training area, highlighting potential for cross-border applicability of the proposed pipeline.


著者 Federico Gibellini,Piero Fraternali,Giacomo Boracchi,Luca Morandini,Andrea Diecidue,Simona Malegori
発行日 2025-02-10 16:04:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク