MultiVENT 2.0: A Massive Multilingual Benchmark for Event-Centric Video Retrieval


このギャップに対処するために、218,000を超えるニュースビデオと特定の世界イベントをターゲットにした3,906クエリのコレクションを備えた大規模で多言語イベント中心のビデオ検索ベンチマークである$ \ textbf {Multivent 2.0} $を紹介します。


Efficiently retrieving and synthesizing information from large-scale multimodal collections has become a critical challenge. However, existing video retrieval datasets suffer from scope limitations, primarily focusing on matching descriptive but vague queries with small collections of professionally edited, English-centric videos. To address this gap, we introduce $\textbf{MultiVENT 2.0}$, a large-scale, multilingual event-centric video retrieval benchmark featuring a collection of more than 218,000 news videos and 3,906 queries targeting specific world events. These queries specifically target information found in the visual content, audio, embedded text, and text metadata of the videos, requiring systems leverage all these sources to succeed at the task. Preliminary results show that state-of-the-art vision-language models struggle significantly with this task, and while alternative approaches show promise, they are still insufficient to adequately address this problem. These findings underscore the need for more robust multimodal retrieval systems, as effective video retrieval is a crucial step towards multimodal content understanding and generation.


著者 Reno Kriz,Kate Sanders,David Etter,Kenton Murray,Cameron Carpenter,Kelly Van Ochten,Hannah Recknor,Jimena Guallar-Blasco,Alexander Martin,Ronald Colaianni,Nolan King,Eugene Yang,Benjamin Van Durme
発行日 2025-02-10 17:26:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CV パーマリンク