Effective Sampling for Robot Motion Planning Through the Lens of Lattices


この作業では、格子理論と$(\ delta、\ epsilon)$の概念を活用します – Tsao et al。
特に、$ a_d^*$ latticeに基づいた高効率の決定的なサンプリングアプローチを導入します。


Sampling-based methods for motion planning, which capture the structure of the robot’s free space via (typically random) sampling, have gained popularity due to their scalability, simplicity, and for offering global guarantees, such as probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality. Unfortunately, the practicality of those guarantees remains limited as they do not provide insights into the behavior of motion planners for a finite number of samples (i.e., a finite running time). In this work, we harness lattice theory and the concept of $(\delta,\epsilon)$-completeness by Tsao et al. (2020) to construct deterministic sample sets that endow their planners with strong finite-time guarantees while minimizing running time. In particular, we introduce a highly-efficient deterministic sampling approach based on the $A_d^*$ lattice, which is the best-known geometric covering in dimensions $\leq 21$. Using our new sampling approach, we obtain at least an order-of-magnitude speedup over existing deterministic and uniform random sampling methods for complex motion-planning problems. Overall, our work provides deep mathematical insights while advancing the practical applicability of sampling-based motion planning.


著者 Itai Panasoff,Kiril Solovey
発行日 2025-02-07 13:26:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CG, cs.DM, cs.RO パーマリンク