HAC++: Towards 100X Compression of 3D Gaussian Splatting


コンパクトなサイズを実現するために、組織化されていないアンカーと構造化されたハッシュグリッドとの関係を活用して、コンテキストモデリングに相互情報を利用するHAC ++を提案します。
さらに、HAC ++は、アンカー内のコンテキスト関係をキャプチャして、圧縮性能をさらに強化します。
全体として、HAC ++は、すべてのデータセットで平均した場合、バニラ3DGと比較して100倍以上の顕著なサイズの縮小を達成し、同時に忠実度を向上させます。


3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a promising framework for novel view synthesis, boasting rapid rendering speed with high fidelity. However, the substantial Gaussians and their associated attributes necessitate effective compression techniques. Nevertheless, the sparse and unorganized nature of the point cloud of Gaussians (or anchors in our paper) presents challenges for compression. To achieve a compact size, we propose HAC++, which leverages the relationships between unorganized anchors and a structured hash grid, utilizing their mutual information for context modeling. Additionally, HAC++ captures intra-anchor contextual relationships to further enhance compression performance. To facilitate entropy coding, we utilize Gaussian distributions to precisely estimate the probability of each quantized attribute, where an adaptive quantization module is proposed to enable high-precision quantization of these attributes for improved fidelity restoration. Moreover, we incorporate an adaptive masking strategy to eliminate invalid Gaussians and anchors. Overall, HAC++ achieves a remarkable size reduction of over 100X compared to vanilla 3DGS when averaged on all datasets, while simultaneously improving fidelity. It also delivers more than 20X size reduction compared to Scaffold-GS. Our code is available at https://github.com/YihangChen-ee/HAC-plus.


著者 Yihang Chen,Qianyi Wu,Weiyao Lin,Mehrtash Harandi,Jianfei Cai
発行日 2025-02-07 15:44:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク