Counting Fish with Temporal Representations of Sonar Video


サケの脱出の正確な推定 – 上流に移動する魚の数 – は、保全と漁業管理の重要なデータです。


Accurate estimates of salmon escapement – the number of fish migrating upstream to spawn – are key data for conservation and fishery management. Existing methods for salmon counting using high-resolution imaging sonar hardware are non-invasive and compatible with computer vision processing. Prior work in this area has utilized object detection and tracking based methods for automated salmon counting. However, these techniques remain inaccessible to many sonar deployment sites due to limited compute and connectivity in the field. We propose an alternative lightweight computer vision method for fish counting based on analyzing echograms – temporal representations that compress several hundred frames of imaging sonar video into a single image. We predict upstream and downstream counts within 200-frame time windows directly from echograms using a ResNet-18 model, and propose a set of domain-specific image augmentations and a weakly-supervised training protocol to further improve results. We achieve a count error of 23% on representative data from the Kenai River in Alaska, demonstrating the feasibility of our approach.


著者 Kai Van Brunt,Justin Kay,Timm Haucke,Pietro Perona,Grant Van Horn,Sara Beery
発行日 2025-02-07 18:02:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク