SPARK: A Modular Benchmark for Humanoid Robot Safety


このペーパーでは、Safe Protective and Assistive Robot Kit(Spark)を紹介します。これは、ヒューマノイドの自律性とテレオ操作の安全性を確保するために設計された包括的なベンチマークです。
ハードウェアの展開のために、SparkはApple Vision Pro(AVP)またはモーションキャプチャシステムを外部センサーとしてサポートし、代替ハードウェアセットアップとシームレスな統合のためのインターフェイスも提供します。
このホワイトペーパーでは、Sparkのシミュレーション実験とUnitree G1ヒューマノイドロボットを使用したケーススタディの両方での能力を示しています。


This paper introduces the Safe Protective and Assistive Robot Kit (SPARK), a comprehensive benchmark designed to ensure safety in humanoid autonomy and teleoperation. Humanoid robots pose significant safety risks due to their physical capabilities of interacting with complex environments. The physical structures of humanoid robots further add complexity to the design of general safety solutions. To facilitate the safe deployment of complex robot systems, SPARK can be used as a toolbox that comes with state-of-the-art safe control algorithms in a modular and composable robot control framework. Users can easily configure safety criteria and sensitivity levels to optimize the balance between safety and performance. To accelerate humanoid safety research and development, SPARK provides a simulation benchmark that compares safety approaches in a variety of environments, tasks, and robot models. Furthermore, SPARK allows quick deployment of synthesized safe controllers on real robots. For hardware deployment, SPARK supports Apple Vision Pro (AVP) or a Motion Capture System as external sensors, while also offering interfaces for seamless integration with alternative hardware setups. This paper demonstrates SPARK’s capability with both simulation experiments and case studies with a Unitree G1 humanoid robot. Leveraging these advantages of SPARK, users and researchers can significantly improve the safety of their humanoid systems as well as accelerate relevant research. The open-source code is available at


著者 Yifan Sun,Rui Chen,Kai S. Yun,Yikuan Fang,Sebin Jung,Feihan Li,Bowei Li,Weiye Zhao,Changliu Liu
発行日 2025-02-05 12:49:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク