S2-Attention: Hardware-Aware Context Sharding Among Attention Heads




Sparse attention, which selectively attends to a subset of tokens in the context was supposed to be efficient. However, its theoretical reduction in FLOPs has rarely translated into wall-clock speed-up over its dense attention counterparts due to the lack of hardware-aware optimizations like FlashAttention. Meanwhile, it remains unclear whether sparse attention can maintain the model’s quality at a scale of today’s large language models (LLMs) and how. This paper presents Sparsely-Sharded(S2) Attention, a Triton library that provides kernel optimization for sparse attention customizable at both per-head and per-context-range levels. S2-Attention enables the exploration of novel and high-performance sparse attention techniques, which we demonstrate through extensive ablations across a wide range of sparse attention designs at various model scales. From these insights, we present several basic guidelines to design sparse attention that can achieve not only practical efficiency improvements, but also strong downstream performance. To achieve high parallelization and optimized memory IO, sparse attention should shard the context heterogeneously across attention heads, where each head attends to a different subset of tokens while collectively covering the full context. Meanwhile, we find hybrid architectures combining sparse and dense attention particularly beneficial in practice. S2-Attention achieves wall-clock speedup of 8.79X, 15.87X, 25.3X compared to the strong FlashAttention-2 baseline with strong downstream performance on-par with full attention and perfect retrieval performance at a 128k context length. At inference, for 7B models, our model, with the help of our S2-Attention kernel, achieves 4.5x speed-up compared to dense counterparts. S2-Attention is released with easy-to-customize APIs for direct usage in Megatron and vLLM.


著者 Xihui Lin,Yunan Zhang,Suyu Ge,Liliang Ren,Barun Patra,Vishrav Chaudhary,Hao Peng,Xia Song
発行日 2025-02-05 18:39:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク