漸進的なプルーニングは、トレーニングで剪定を介入し、一度にニューロンのごく一部($ \ sim $ 5%)のみを除去することにより、非自明のパフォーマンスの向上をもたらします。
さらに、Adapt-Prunerは、MMLUベンチマークでMobilellm-125mから600mのパフォーマンスを回復し、その大規模なカウンターパートからの剪定により200 $ \ Times $のトークンが少なく、複数のベンチマークでラマ-3.2-1Bを上回る新しい1Bモデルを発見します。
Small language models (SLMs) have attracted considerable attention from both academia and industry due to their broad range of applications in edge devices. To obtain SLMs with strong performance, conventional approaches either pre-train the models from scratch, which incurs substantial computational costs, or compress/prune existing large language models (LLMs), which results in performance drops and falls short in comparison to pre-training. In this paper, we investigate the family of acceleration methods that involve both structured pruning and model training. We found 1) layer-wise adaptive pruning (Adapt-Pruner) is extremely effective in LLMs and yields significant improvements over existing pruning techniques, 2) adaptive pruning equipped with further training leads to models comparable to those pre-training from scratch, 3) incremental pruning brings non-trivial performance gain by interleaving pruning with training and only removing a small portion of neurons ($\sim$5%) at a time. Experimental results on LLaMA-3.1-8B demonstrate that Adapt-Pruner outperforms conventional pruning methods, such as LLM-Pruner, FLAP, and SliceGPT, by an average of 1%-7% in accuracy on commonsense benchmarks. Additionally, Adapt-Pruner restores the performance of MobileLLM-125M to 600M on the MMLU benchmark with 200$\times$ fewer tokens via pruning from its larger counterparts, and discovers a new 1B model that surpasses LLaMA-3.2-1B in multiple benchmarks.
著者 | Boyao Wang,Rui Pan,Shizhe Diao,Xingyuan Pan,Jipeng Zhang,Renjie Pi,Tong Zhang |
発行日 | 2025-02-05 18:57:40+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google