SHARPIE: A Modular Framework for Reinforcement Learning and Human-AI Interaction Experiments


Renforce Learning(RL)は、人間との相互作用シナリオを含むAIエージェントをモデリングおよびトレーニングするための一般的なアプローチを提供します。


Reinforcement learning (RL) offers a general approach for modeling and training AI agents, including human-AI interaction scenarios. In this paper, we propose SHARPIE (Shared Human-AI Reinforcement Learning Platform for Interactive Experiments) to address the need for a generic framework to support experiments with RL agents and humans. Its modular design consists of a versatile wrapper for RL environments and algorithm libraries, a participant-facing web interface, logging utilities, deployment on popular cloud and participant recruitment platforms. It empowers researchers to study a wide variety of research questions related to the interaction between humans and RL agents, including those related to interactive reward specification and learning, learning from human feedback, action delegation, preference elicitation, user-modeling, and human-AI teaming. The platform is based on a generic interface for human-RL interactions that aims to standardize the field of study on RL in human contexts.


著者 Hüseyin Aydın,Kevin Dubois-Godin,Libio Goncalvez Braz,Floris den Hengst,Kim Baraka,Mustafa Mert Çelikok,Andreas Sauter,Shihan Wang,Frans A. Oliehoek
発行日 2025-01-31 15:59:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク