私たちの変更により、特徴の品質が向上し、Imagenet-1K K-nearestの精度を27.4%から63.9%に上げ、VIT-B/16バックボーンのMAESの線形プロービング精度を67.8%から72.7%に引き上げ、拡散の生成品質を向上させます。
We show that introducing a weighting factor to reduce the influence of identity shortcuts in residual networks significantly enhances semantic feature learning in generative representation learning frameworks, such as masked autoencoders (MAEs) and diffusion models. Our modification notably improves feature quality, raising ImageNet-1K K-Nearest Neighbor accuracy from 27.4% to 63.9% and linear probing accuracy from 67.8% to 72.7% for MAEs with a ViT-B/16 backbone, while also enhancing generation quality in diffusion models. This significant gap suggests that, while residual connection structure serves an essential role in facilitating gradient propagation, it may have a harmful side effect of reducing capacity for abstract learning by virtue of injecting an echo of shallower representations into deeper layers. We ameliorate this downside via a fixed formula for monotonically decreasing the contribution of identity connections as layer depth increases. Our design promotes the gradual development of feature abstractions, without impacting network trainability. Analyzing the representations learned by our modified residual networks, we find correlation between low effective feature rank and downstream task performance.
著者 | Xiao Zhang,Ruoxi Jiang,William Gao,Rebecca Willett,Michael Maire |
発行日 | 2025-01-31 17:47:25+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google