Overcoming Uncertain Incompleteness for Robust Multimodal Sequential Diagnosis Prediction via Curriculum Data Erasing Guided Knowledge Distillation


この論文では、Necho V2を提示します。NechoV2は、実際の臨床環境における一般的な課題である不確実な訪問シーケンスの下で、マルチモーダルシーケンシャル患者診断の予測精度を強化するために設計された新しいフレームワークです。
その結果、Necho V2は、マルチモーダルヘルスケアデータのバランスの取れたおよび不均衡な設定の両方で、マルチモーダルシーケンシャル診断予測の堅牢な優位性を示すことにより、それ自体を検証します。


In this paper, we present NECHO v2, a novel framework designed to enhance the predictive accuracy of multimodal sequential patient diagnoses under uncertain missing visit sequences, a common challenge in real clinical settings. Firstly, we modify NECHO, designed in a diagnosis code-centric fashion, to handle uncertain modality representation dominance under the imperfect data. Secondly, we develop a systematic knowledge distillation by employing the modified NECHO as both teacher and student. It encompasses a modality-wise contrastive and hierarchical distillation, transformer representation random distillation, along with other distillations to align representations between teacher and student tightly and effectively. We also propose curriculum learning guided random data erasing within sequences during both training and distillation of the teacher to lightly simulate scenario with missing visit information, thereby fostering effective knowledge transfer. As a result, NECHO v2 verifies itself by showing robust superiority in multimodal sequential diagnosis prediction under both balanced and imbalanced incomplete settings on multimodal healthcare data.


著者 Heejoon Koo
発行日 2025-01-30 15:21:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク