DiffusionRenderer: Neural Inverse and Forward Rendering with Video Diffusion Models


古典的な物理ベースのレンダリング(PBR)は、光輸送を正確にシミュレートしますが、実際のシナリオで取得するために非実用的であることが多い、明示的な3Dジオメトリ、高品質の材料特性、および照明条件 – 正確なシーン表現に依存しています。


Understanding and modeling lighting effects are fundamental tasks in computer vision and graphics. Classic physically-based rendering (PBR) accurately simulates the light transport, but relies on precise scene representations–explicit 3D geometry, high-quality material properties, and lighting conditions–that are often impractical to obtain in real-world scenarios. Therefore, we introduce DiffusionRenderer, a neural approach that addresses the dual problem of inverse and forward rendering within a holistic framework. Leveraging powerful video diffusion model priors, the inverse rendering model accurately estimates G-buffers from real-world videos, providing an interface for image editing tasks, and training data for the rendering model. Conversely, our rendering model generates photorealistic images from G-buffers without explicit light transport simulation. Experiments demonstrate that DiffusionRenderer effectively approximates inverse and forwards rendering, consistently outperforming the state-of-the-art. Our model enables practical applications from a single video input–including relighting, material editing, and realistic object insertion.


著者 Ruofan Liang,Zan Gojcic,Huan Ling,Jacob Munkberg,Jon Hasselgren,Zhi-Hao Lin,Jun Gao,Alexander Keller,Nandita Vijaykumar,Sanja Fidler,Zian Wang
発行日 2025-01-30 18:59:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク